Paris Declaration on Media and Information Literacy in the Digital Era, UNESCO 2014

Im Kontext ihrer Initiative Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL) veranstaltete die UNESCO zusammen mit der Europäischen Kommission und anderen Partnern im Mai 2014 in Paris das erste "European Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Forum". Die abschließende Erklärung betonte die gewachsene Bedeutung von Medien- und Informationskompetenz und formulierten Empfehlungen:

"UNESCO's concept of "knowledge societies" and its emerging Universality principle for Internet governance can help frame this renewed emphasis on media and information literacy. Internet Universality envisages an Internet based on four dimensions: Human Rights, Openness, Accessibility for all and Multi - stakeholder participation (summarised in the acronym ROAM). Fundamental to all these, and to establishing their interrelations, balances, and applications to specific problems, is media and information literacy." (S. 2)

"Recommendations to UNESCO, the European Commission and the multi-stakeholder community at large

We, the Participants at the First European Media and Information Literacy Forum within the framework of the Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL), Ddeclare our renewed support to media and information literacy with a view to empowering individuals in the digital age, and in this connection, commit

  1. To describe media and information literacy as a complex set of 21st century literacy practices; a means of enhancing inclusion, knowledge, skills and critical attitudes to information, culture and cooperation and a mechanism for all people to access, create and innovate.
  2. To foster media and information literacy to address issues of access, privacy, safety and security and the ethical use of information, media and technology, in line with human rights standards; and to recognize the role of media and information literacy in relation to cultural diversity, intercultural and interreligious dialogue and the protection of citizens in countries with fragile social capital and weaker democratic political culture.
  3. To advance content creation, across media and in multiple forms, as a key tool in the development of the digital economy, by setting up media labs in educational and cultural institutions.
  4. To promote media and information literacy in relation to personal and professional lifelong development through collaboration between stakeholders in vocational education and training, higher education institutions, the research community, public and private media and civil sector organisations.
  5. To support formal curriculum development for media and information literacy within schools.
  6. To encourage and advocate common, shared and co-operative policies and strategies related to media and information literacy between educational, cultural, economic and technological fields to enhance intercultural and interreligious dialogue, gender equality and a culture of peace and respect in the participative and democratic public sphere.
  7. To encourage media, information and ICT companies to integrate media and information literacy priorities in their strategic plans and governance such as collecting specific indicators, including criteria in CEO pay, maintaining a regular dialogue with stakeholders (customers, employees, academics, the financial community, young citizens and civil society) and working within clear and transparent accountability frameworks.
  8. To ensure that libraries and other cultural institutions regularly update their media and information literacy strategies and educational provision to include transliteracy practices and to ensure that library and cultural institution professionals are trained to develop the necessary capacity to educate service users in media and information literacy
  9. To urge public service media and governments to put a special effort and focus on strengthening their media and information literacy strategy.
  10. To promote media and information literacy for people with special needs, indigenous peoples and other underserved groups." (S. 3f)

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