Web Literacy Standard (2013)

Ausgehend von den Grundsätzen in ihrem "Manifest“ hatten die Mozilla Foundation und ihre Firma Mozilla Corporation mit Beteiligung ihrer Community in einem ersten Versuch 2013 einen Web Literacy Standard entwickelt. Wegen möglicher negativer Konnotationen des Begriffs “Standard” wurde dieser Anfang 2014 durch “Map” ersetzt. Das Papier wurde in den Folgejahren mehrfach überarbeitet. 1915 erschien Version 1.5. Seit April 2016 liegt Version 2.0 vor, die eine Verknüpfung mit einer neu entwickelten Übersicht von "21st century skills" versucht.

Wir dokumentieren hier die ursprüngliche Version:

The Web Literacy Standard

The Web Literacy Standard is a map of competencies and skills that Mozilla and our community of stakeholders believe are important to pay attention to when getting better at reading, writing and participating on the web.

The Web Literacy Standard is made up of three strands: Exploring, Building and Connecting. In turn, each strand is made up of several competencies. Each competency is comprised of a number of skills.


  • Navigation
  • Web Mechanics
  • Search
  • Credibility
  • Security


  • Composing for the web
  • Remixing
  • Design and Accessibility
  • Coding/scripting
  • Infrastructure


  • Sharing and Collaborating
  • Community Participation
  • Privacy
  • Open Practices


Exploring - Navigating the web

Navigation - Using software tools to browse the web

  • Accessing the web using the common features of web browsers
  • Using hyperlinks to access a range of resources on the web
  • Reading, evaluating, and manipulating URLs
  • Recognizing the visual cues in everyday web services
  • Using browser add-ons and extensions to provide additional functionality

Web Mechanics - Understanding the web ecosystem

  • Using and understanding the differences between URLs, IP addresses and search terms
  • Managing information from various sources on the web
  • Demonstrating the difference between the results of varying search strategies

Search - Locating information, people and resources via the web

  • Using keywords, search operators, and keyboard shortcuts to make web searches more efficient
  • Finding real-time or time-sensitive information using a range of search techniques
  • Locating or finding desired information within search results
  • Synthesizing information found from online resources through multiple searches

Credibility - Critically evaluating information found on the web

  • Making judgments based on technical and design characteristics to assess the credibility of information
  • Researching authorship and ownership of websites and their content
  • Comparing information from a number of sources to judge the trustworthiness of content
  • Discriminating between 'original' and derivative web content

Security - Keeping systems, identities, and content safe

  • Detecting online scams and 'phishing' by employing recognized tools and techniques
  • Encrypting data and communications using software and add-ons
  • Changing the default behavior of websites, add-ons and extensions to make web browsing more secure

Building - Creating for the web

Composing for the web - Creating and curating content for the web

  • Inserting hyperlinks into a web page
  • Embedding multimedia content into a web page
  • Creating web resources in ways appropriate to the medium/genre
  • Identifying and using HTML tags
  • Structuring a web page

Remixing - Modifying existing web resources to create something new

  • Identifying and using openly-licensed work
  • Combining multimedia resources
  • Creating something new on the web using existing resources

Design and Accessibility - Creating universally effective communications through web resources

  • Identifying the different parts of a web page using industry-recognized terms
  • Improving the accessibility of a web page by modifying its color scheme and markup
  • Iterating on a design after feedback from a target audience
  • Reorganizing the structure of a web page to improve its hierarchy conceptual flow
  • Demonstrating the difference between inline, embedded and external CSS

Coding/scripting - Creating interactive experiences on the web

  • Explaining the differences between client-side and server-side scripting
  • Composing working loops and arrays
  • Reading and explaining the structure of code
  • Using a script framework
  • Adding code comments for clarification and attribution

Infrastructure - Understanding the Internet stack

  • Understanding and labeling the web stack
  • Explaining the differences between the web and the Internet
  • Exporting and backing up your data from web services
  • Moving the place(s) where your data is hosted on the web
  • Securing your data against malware and computer criminals

Connecting - Participating on the web

Sharing and Collaborating - Jointly creating and providing access to web resources

  • Sharing a resource using an appropriate tool and format for the audience
  • Tracking changes made to co-created web resources
  • Choosing a web tool to use for a particular contribution/collaboration
  • Co-creating web resources
  • Configuring notifications to keep up to date with community spaces and interactions
  • Using synchronous and asynchronous tools to communicate with web communities, networks and groups

Community Participation - Getting involved in web communities and understanding their practices

  • Encouraging participation in web communities
  • Using constructive criticism in a group or community setting
  • Configuring settings within tools used by online communities
  • Participating in both synchronous and asynchronous discussions
  • Expressing opinions appropriately in web discussions
  • Defining different terminology used within online communities

Privacy - Examining the consequences of sharing data online

  • Identifying rights retained and removed through user agreements
  • Taking steps to secure non-encrypted connections
  • Explaining ways in which computer criminals are able to gain access to user information
  • Managing the digital footprint of an online persona
  • Identifying and taking steps to keep important elements of identity private

Open Practices - Helping to keep the web democratic and universally accessible

  • Distinguishing between open and closed licensing
  • Making web resources available under an open license
  • Using and sharing files in open, web-friendly formats when appropriate
  • Contributing to an Open Source project
